Thursday, June 28, 2012

Bring My Blog Visitors Back: Protect your blog content from content thieves and scraper websites

Pertty visitors are coming to visit your blog

I am one of the many bloggers syndicating my content on RSS Feed, and believe me, it’s the best way to keep subscribers connected to your blog. It not only helps in improving blog readership but also gives you a throng of loyal subscribers.

The RSS subscribers, on the other hand, are a bunch of happy beings having got to read all of their favorite contents on RSS Feed saving their time and effort. But don’t you think this practice can be lethal for bloggers even if it is useful for RSS subscribers?

Because most of the issues of content theft are now reported to have come from RSS Feed as the scrapers make use of some automated software that can extract the content of your RSS Feed and republish it on their scraper sites automatically.

And believe it or not, most of the bloggers today are victim of content theft and I was also one of them. Generally, it takes years of hard work for bloggers to make a successful blogging career and if these content thieves make it off so easily, then all their drudgery is definitely going to end in smoke. The bloggers keep working like a donkey all day and night and the scrapers make fortune out of it.

And to add fuel to the woes, RSS Feed also put offs your RSS subscribers from visiting your blog, reducing overall blog traffic. Because they get it all on RSS Feed what they want from your blog.

We undoubtedly accept that RSS helps gain repetitive visitors and build a loyal readership of our blog, but when contents are available on RSS Feed, why would our readers bother to visit our blog? When they don’t pay visit to our blogs, how are the advertising campaigns on our blog going to fetch us revenue?

Thus, RSS Feed is ripping off our blog traffic and revenue in a hidden way from a long time.

Isn’t this too painful?

Now you must be wondering if RSS has so many demerits, then why are bloggers still using it?

Because they haven’t realized the negative impact of RSS feed yet.

Well, some bloggers came out with their tailored ideas of making RSS Feed work the way they want but that approach also didn’t pay off well.

All efforts made but to no avail. So, what’s the way out?

Now, what if I tell you there's a best way with which you can make your RSS perform much better than anyone else’s and at the same time make your RSS subscribers come back to your blog again.


- Turning every RSS reader of your blog into repetitive blog visitors, wanting to read every speck of your blog content.

- Your wordpress blog getting viral traffic on autopilot.

- Earning revenue from your RSS feeds while delivering the blog updates at same time.

- Anyone who might steal your content now becomes your “ally” of sorts bringing you more money and traffic.

- Playing with your RSS feed at totally different level than other bloggers, and

- All these done in just less than 3 minutes..

Resource Box :

Sound’s unbelievable, right?

But it’s possible. It’s been tested and proven and the solution is MaxBlogPress Bring My Blog Visitors Back.

This amazing WordPress plugin comes straight from the lab of MaxBlogPress, a name popular for quality products and a name that you can always count on.

A first of its kind, MaxBlogPress Bring My Blog Visitors Back is a WordPress Plugin that offers you more flexibility and control over your RSS feeds, enticing your RSS readers to visit your blog without slightest annoyance and at the same time, benefits you from content thieves & scraper websites by providing free backlinks and traffic.

You can visit the link below to learn more about Bring My Blog Visitors Back, what it does and how.

Where? What? When? - Questions about Bring My Blog Visitors Back

Use Bring My Blog Visitors Back plugin, visitors will like this

Where does it come from?

MaxBlogPress Bring My Blog Visitors Back is a completely new wordpress plugin coming from the house of MaxBlogPress, an established name in the industry for its credibility and quality. MaxBlogPress has developed many popular and quality products like Subscribers Magnet, Ninja Affiliate, MaxBanner Ads, Ping Optimizer to name a few and now Bring My Blog Visitors Back.

What exactly is Bring My Blog Visitors Back?

MaxBlogPress Bring My Blog Visitors Back is a powerful WordPress Plugin that offers you more flexibility and control over your RSS feeds, enticing your RSS readers to visit your blog without slightest annoyance and at the same time benefits you from content thieves & scraper websites.

What does it do?

Bring My Blog Visitors Back works exactly as its name implies. It brings back the potential visitors lost somewhere on the premises of RSS Feed who otherwise should have been playing on your blog.

Before I move on, let me ask you a question. Which of the below would best fit your need?
A. 10,000 visitors among which only 4 are loyal users and likely to buy from you.
B. 100 visitors among which 20 are loyal users and will buy from you.
And, if your answer is B, then that’s what Bring My Blog Visitors Back is for.

MaxBlogPress Bring My Blog Visitors Back is NOT about getting you massive untargeted traffic. It’s about getting Quality and Targeted traffic that doesn’t just follow you and your blog but will also keep your blog alive.

What’s the key philosophy behind it?

There are probably 10’s or even 100’s of blogs that your readers are subscribed to and each of them is trying to grab your readers’ attention to drive them towards their blog.

When you use MaxBlogPress Bring My Blog Visitors Back, your blog comes to the spotlight (on RSS Feed Reader) and stands out amongst fellow bloggers. This will induce your Readers to visit your blog and once they do, the ball is all in your court. Whatever they do next is only and only going to benefit you. For e.g. They might read another blog post on your blog, comment on your posts, click on your Adsense ad, buy your product or affiliate product, optin to your email list, etc…

When I can buy it?

MaxBlogPress decided to launch his product on July 5th 2012, price: $97.00.

But rightnow you can purchase this powerful plugin throurgh this banner with 30% discount.

Bring My Blog Visitors Back's exciting features

They will flood your blog

a) Display Related Posts on RSS Feed

This feature allows your RSS readers to see a list of related posts similar to the current post they are reading, thus introducing them also to other relevant contents on your blog.

As they’re already interested in the topic that you’ve written, they would definitely want to read more posts related to that topic, thus leaving them with no other options than to satisfactorily land on your blog.

b) Display Social Icons on RSS Feed

This feature allows your RSS readers to easily share the post that they like directly from RSS feed Reader to social networking sites like Facebook/Twitter/Digg/Stumble Upon, allowing you to get viral traffic on autopilot.

If RSS subscribers like your content on RSS Feed, they would obviously want to share it to other social sites which is going to drive free traffic to your blog.

c) Display Number of Comments on RSS Feed

This feature allows your RSS readers to see the number of comments in the post just like it appears on your blog, giving them the feel of blog itself and enticing them to visit your blog.

Displaying this feature will make your readers curious to know what others are talking about the post, thus tempting them to visit your blog to either read their views or reply back a comment.

d) Display Latest User Comment on RSS Feed

This feature allows your RSS readers to see the latest (or the last posted) comment of your blog post on their RSS feed, encouraging them to post their comments too by visiting your blog.

If users see latest user comment right below the post they are reading on RSS Feed, they would either agree or disagree to the views expressed, and hence get tempted to visit your blog to drop their comments.

e) Display Custom Header Content/Banners on RSS Feed

This feature lets you add your own custom text or code (html allowed) at the beginning (top) of every blog post on your RSS feed.

This feature helps grab RSS subscribers’ attention without being intrusive, increase blog traffic if you’re redirecting them to your blog and increase revenue if you’re promoting affiliate or your own product.

f) Display Custom Footer Content/Copyright Notice on RSS Feed

This feature lets you add your own custom text or code (html allowed) at the end (bottom) of every blog post on your RSS feed.

You can protect your content from content thieves by putting a copyright notice at the bottom of the post, or you can include ads, banners and affiliate links like in the header content to increase your blog traffic and revenue.

Concluding Note

This plugin thus completely changes the look and functionality of RSS Feed. It not only brings back quality traffic to your blog but also helps the content scrapers act like a sort of free marketer for you.

On whole, Bring My Blog Visitors Back increases your WordPress blog traffic and revenue by turning your RSS Feed into an automated marketing machine.

If you also want to experience its benefits, grab it instantly from here.

Overview of Bring My Blog Visitors Back

Visitors, ohhh visitors

Description: MaxBlogPress Bring My Blog Visitors Back is a WordPress Plugin that offers you more flexibility and control over your RSS feeds, enticing your RSS readers to visit your blog without slightest annoyance and at the same time benefits you from content thieves & scraper websites.

MaxBlogPress Bring My Blog Visitors Back works exactly as its name implies. It brings back the potential visitors lost somewhere on the premises of RSS Feed who otherwise should have been playing on your blog.

MaxBlogPress Bring My Blog Visitors Back helps add colors to your RSS Feed. When your RSS Feed absorbs the power of MaxBlogPress Bring My Blog Visitors Back, it will no longer be the same RSS Feed you have been using or seeing. Along with the blog content, your readers will get to see the magic of this plugin in the form of related posts display, social icon display, number of comments received so far, latest user comment, and most important of all custom header content and similarly, custom footer content or copyright notice display.

MaxBlogPress Bring My Blog Visitors Back will compel your subscribers to visit your blog regularly thus turning your RSS Feed into an Automated Marketing Machine.

Selling Price: $97.00 (But during the launch period, selling price will be only $67 via below banner)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Is Your WordPress Blog’s RSS Feed your FRIEND or FOE?

You answer would probably be friend, and you are right to some extent.

Because there’s no doubt that RSS Feed helps bloggers gain RSS readers, which makes easier for visitors to read the content directly on their RSS feed reader, without having to visit the blog.

But, what as a foe?

Since everything has its good and bad side, so does RSS. And here comes the dark side of RSS that you probably must never have realized.

1.RSS subscribers are not visiting your blog

a. No user interaction and traffic on your blog

Since visitors are able to read the content of your blog directly on their RSS feed reader, they won’t even bother to visit the blog. That results in less to NO user interaction as well as minimal traffic on your blog.

And if there’s no user participation on your blog, no matter how good your blog content is, it’s pretty much going to put a bad impression on new visitors.

For example: Let’s say there’re two blogs – blog A and blog B. In blog A, there’s a post called “SEO traffic” and lots of visitors are posting their comments and in blog B, there’s a similar post and there’s zero user interaction or comment. Which one would you think will get more user popularity and more blog exposure?

Of course it’s blog A, because there’s a lot of user engagement going on which will eventually attract more visitors to participate in the interaction, resulting in getting more blog exposure.

And that’s not all…

b. Alexa Rank and Reputation of your blog will decline

If RSS readers don’t visit your blog, your alexa rank will decline and will ultimately affect your overall blog reputation.
Less traffic to your blog
Decreased alexa ranking
No Advertisers/Sponsors
No $$$

Because Alexa rank can make or break your business. It measures your blog traffic and is an important element in leveraging your blog’s ranking as a selling point to advertisers, sponsors, buyers, readers and whoever else wants a piece of your material.

Your Alexa ranking is deemed a big factor in valuing the advertising space on your blog. Higher positioning means more money in your pocket, highly paid reviews, better advertising offers, and more press coverage.

Since your RSS readers are able to read your blog content directly on their RSS Feed Reader, they won’t least bother to visit your blog, which will eventually hurt your alexa rank, your blog reputation and revenue as well.

2. Earning is almost NIL via RSS Feed

The banners and ads on the blog are what make your livelihood. But if a vast majority of RSS readers never visit your blog, you’re obviously not going to earn the income you deserve.

Since blog visitors are able to read content directly on their RSS reader, they won’t least bother to visit your blog.

And, if they are not visiting your blog, then all the ads (no matter how good) placed on your blog become useless.

For example: Let’s say you’ve put Google adsense ads in high converting places on your blog and each click will fetch you 0.30 cents. But if no one visits your blog, you’re pretty much doomed - doesn’t matter whether you get 0.30 cents or $1 for every click.

It doesn’t just affect your Google adsense earnings but everything that’s on your blog which is your source of income, like- PPC ads, Affiliate Products, Text Link ads, Other Advertisement Media, etc.
No Visitors = No Clicks = No $$$

3. Content Thieves are stealing your content via RSS Feed

Everyone is after the content, right?

Since feeds are so easy to grab as it gets syndicated through other websites and bloggers don’t have direct control over it.

And guess what?

Content Thieves are taking full-fledged advantage of it. They are stealing the content from your RSS feed and republishing it on their blogs. They just sit back and enjoy a drink while others toil hard to make their site look more authentic.

Why Content Thieves prefer stealing from RSS Feed?

As we know there exists many software which can fetch articles from,, etc. and all these content-fetching software programmed specifically for such websites. If those websites change their format, then those software also break and need to update again with new changes.

RSS doesn’t have such LIMITATION. It's a standard format and once software is built, it consistently works for all the millions of RSS feeds available today.

Resource Box:

Now, having told you how RSS Feed rips off your blog traffic and revenue, you would probably want its solution too.

And the solution to all these shortcomings is MaxBlogPress Bring My Blog Visitors Back,

a revolutionary WordPress plugin from MaxBlogPress, an established name in the industry for its credibility and quality that you can always count on.

This plugin completely changes the look and functionality of RSS Feed. Using Bring My Blog Visitors Back on your blog will entice your RSS subscribers to visit your blog thus increasing blog traffic and generating revenue as well.

On other hand, content thieves become a sort of free marketing agent providing you free backlinks and traffic in return.

Bring My Blog Visitors Back will help you get more flexibility and control over your RSS Feed, thus adding value and readership to your blog.

To get a more detailed insight of what this plugin does, visit the below banner:


Sample text

Sample Text